
Comunidad exists thanks to generous supporters like you. Be part of supporting this good work by financially contributing. Your gift helps create opportunities to transform our communities and make the world a better place.

Ways to Donate


Make a one-time or monthly gift online by clicking here.

By Mail

Donate by mail by sending a check to:


P.O. Box 8964

Falls Church, VA 22041

Stocks or Wire

To donate by stock gift or wire, please contact or 703-239-3575 for more info.

Become an Impact Partner

Join our community of changemakers who are improving our community every single day. By becoming an impact partner with a monthly donation, you’re helping us change lives.

Why does my monthly donation matter?

Monthly donations provide reliable, consistent support that allows us to plan long-term, respond quickly to urgent needs, and maximize every dollar.

Where do your donations go?

  • Our Programs

    The majority of our budget directly supports our relationally-based programs, created in response to our community’s needs. These include Strong Readers Strong Leaders, Champions Mentoring, and more!

    woman plays literacy game with young girl
  • General Operating Expenses

    This includes everything it takes to run a nonprofit, including materials, office expenses, payroll and administrative costs. You are supporting our programming and staff.

  • Community Resource Assistance

    We are grateful to be able to support our families in need through our monthly food distribution and by providing unique support such as rental assistance, psychological testing and care, school scholarships, and more.

    Two women laugh together while they volunteer

Want to get involved in other ways?